Tajwar Abrar Aleef

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Hello World! Welcome to my quest of advancing science and technology!

Loaded with over 8 years of research experience, I've published and presented numerous articles in top-tier journals and conferences in the field of medical AI and ultrasonic imaging. During this time, I've had the privilege to work with some of the top researchers in medical AI across Europe and Canada. My efforts have resulted in numerous awards and scholarships, including the prestigious Erasmus Mundus Scholarship from the European Union.

I am working as a Senior Machine Learning Scientist at Synthesis Health Inc (Vancouver, Canada) where we are crafting AI-powered intelligent radiology softwares to enhance and expedite radiology services for hospitals and imaging centers. I hold a PhD degree in Biomedical Engineering from the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada) where my I worked on improving prostate cancer detection and radiation therapy through advances in ultrasound imaging and cutting-edge AI tech (thesis).

Outside the realm of research, catch me immersed in the world of programming, strumming away on my guitar (check out some of my covers here), or lifting heavy weights at the gym (300 lb deadlift attempt). Being fortunate enough to have visited over 24 different countries (all the places I have been to), I also bring a wealth of cultural experiences and knowledge to the table (experience a snippet of my visit to Thailand).

Key Expertise: Medical Imaging, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Ultrasound Imaging, Ultrasound Elastography, and much more
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Selected Research Work

Much of my research work heavily focuses on utilizing machine learning in medical images for purposes such as: detecting, localizing, and segmenting diseases or objects-of-interest; aligning or registering time-series, mono-modal, and multi-modal data; and solving constrained optimization problems. In addition, I also have multiple works on Generative AI, ultrasound elastography, and biocompatible internal body antennas.

Past Engineering Projects

I always enjoyed hands-on work. Even long before I got any formal education or engineering training, I was often found meddling around with any devices I could get my hands on. The goal was to take them apart, learn how they operate, and "hopefully" make something new out of it. Although I have been doing this from a very young age, I only have a few works that were documented (thanks to my Mom for getting me the camera!). Scroll to the bottom to see some janky yet wonderful rovers I made literally out of cardboard and salvaged parts from old toys.

Teaching Experience

Last updated March 2024.
Based on Jon Barron's site.